
Reveal your abilities with our personalised IQ assessment

Illustration d'une femme debout à côté d'une grande liste de contrôle sur un presse-papiers

Four-Step Process

to explore your intellectual potential


Taking the Test

Take a meticulously designed test to assess your intelligence accurately and comprehensively. The authenticity of your answers, without any external assistance, guarantees the reliability of the results.


Get Results

Once the test is complete, provide your bank details for instant access to your results, following the instructions provided.


View Results

Explore your results via your user account or choose to receive them directly by email. Take advantage of the flexibility offered by the possibility of taking the test several times during your subscription period.


Post-test options

Following the test, you have two options: either unsubscribe within 24 hours for €0.50, with no option to retake the test, or keep your subscription for unlimited access to the test for one month, for €47.50.

Start the evaluation now

Take the quick IQ test with a variety of questions and levels, then access the results via our special 24-hour offer or monthly subscription.