
Reveal your abilities with our personalised IQ assessment

Illustration d'une femme debout à côté d'une grande liste de contrôle sur un presse-papiers

30 Stimulating Questions

Prove your intelligence by answering our series of questions in under 30 minutes, designed to stimulate your neurons.

Approved by Science

Created and validated by a team of over 250 renowned researchers, our IQ test has a solid scientific basis.


Once you've completed the test, you'll instantly receive a detailed assessment of your intellectual potential.

30 questions

Prove your intelligence by answering our series of questions in under 30 minutes, designed to stimulate your neurons.

Approved by Science

Created and validated by a team of over 250 renowned researchers, our IQ test has a solid scientific basis.

Results Snapshots

Once you've completed the test, you'll instantly receive a detailed assessment of your intellectual potential.

Discover our IQ Test

Each individual has different cognitive strengths and weaknesses, whether in verbal language, music, mathematics, visual language or many other areas. The correlations between these strengths and weaknesses have shown that it is possible to assess and measure a general intelligence, the intelligence quotient (IQ).

Intelligence is assessed using a wide variety of psychometric tests, IQ tests and psychotechnical tests. Among these, IQ tests are considered to be the most reliable, consistent and valid that psychologists have devised. They are recognised as a good measure of general intelligence.

IQ tests are widely used in many contexts, whether educational, professional or even recreational. For example, universities use IQ tests, also known as entrance exams, to select future students. Similarly, companies use them to shortlist candidates during the recruitment process.

However, it should be noted that many IQ tests available on the internet are neither standardised nor valid. They do not provide meaningful results and do not accurately measure intelligence. Setting up a standardised and valid logic test requires considerable work and in-depth scientific rigour.

Intelligence quotient (IQ)

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is measured in such a way as to follow a "bell curve" distribution in the general population, with an average set at 100.

This curve has a peak in the centre, where the majority of individuals are located, and extends towards the extremities, where only a few people are found. This type of distribution is called a "normal distribution" in statistics.

The area under the curve between two scores represents the percentage of the population with an IQ score between these two values. The score intervals on this curve are distinguished by colours in standard deviation units.

A standard deviation measures the dispersion of scores in the population. The higher the standard deviation, the more spread out the scores are in the population.

The standard deviation for most IQ tests is 15. Around 70 % of the population score between 85 and 115.

Only a very small percentage of the population, around 0.1% or 1 in 1000 individuals, score below 55 or above 145.

Recent research shows that IQ is not a static measure determined solely by genetics. An individual's score can vary considerably over time, either increasing or decreasing, depending on how they use and stimulate their brain.


Score < 70

Indicates significant challenges in cognitive skills, often requiring additional support for day-to-day coping.

70 < Score < 85

Reveal a slightly below-average IQ, which may influence their ability to solve complex problems.

85 < Score < 130

Corresponds to the population norm, indicating an ability to solve everyday challenges.

130 < Score

Denote exceptional intelligence, characteristic of the 2 highest %s in the population.


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Anaïs, 19 years old

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