
Reveal your abilities with our personalised IQ assessment

Illustration d'une femme debout à côté d'une grande liste de contrôle sur un presse-papiers

The test

Test objective

This intelligence quotient (IQ) test is designed to assess various aspects of individual intelligence, including the ability to solve problems, remember information, use logic, understand language and process data quickly. It is designed to accurately measure specific intellectual abilities across a range of skills.

It is important to note that this test targets specific aptitudes and does not claim to capture the entirety of human intelligence, a notion that is both complex and varied. In fact, the IQ test does not take into account other important aspects such as education, the influence of the environment, social skills or creativity, all of which are essential components of overall intelligence.

How the test works

The test works by randomly selecting questions from a large database, ensuring diversity and fairness in the assessment of each participant. Despite the variety of question difficulty levels, the system maintains consistency in the overall difficulty level of the test for each user. This approach guarantees a personalised and fair experience, allowing a fair assessment of intellectual ability without being influenced by the individual's level of prior knowledge.

Reasons for taking the IQ Test

There are several advantages to taking an IQ test. In particular, it can be used to assess your current intellectual abilities so that they can be compared with the future, to discover exceptional or atypical cognitive potential, and to contribute to clinical studies in the event of specific difficulties. It is a valuable tool for an initial assessment or as a complement in the diagnosis of various conditions. However, it is important to note that this test alone cannot diagnose specific disorders.

Access to results

To access the results of your IQ test, two options are available: a one-off 24-hour offer or a monthly subscription. Instructions for taking the test and choosing your option are available on the "How does it work?" page. Once the test is complete, you can view your full results history directly from your account, ensuring easy access to your past performance.


How do I S'Subscribe?

Once you have completed the test, you can choose to take out a 24-hour subscription at €0.50. If you do not cancel within this period, the subscription will automatically be converted to a monthly plan at €47.50. If you only want to keep the 24-hour offer, you must unsubscribe. Detailed instructions for taking the test and managing your subscription are available on the "How does it work" page.

Benefits of Subscription

The subscription gives you the flexibility to take the IQ test at will, whether to assess your own abilities or those of others. What's more, it allows you to view, compare and save the results of each attempt, giving you a clear picture of your progress and performance over time.

How to cancel your subscription

To cancel your subscription, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access your personal space or the "My account" section.
  2. Look for the "Unsubscribe" or "Cancel subscription" option.
  3. Follow the instructions to confirm the cancellation by entering your e-mail address or any other required information. Once you have completed these steps, your subscription will be successfully cancelled.
Refund after trial period

If you forget to unsubscribe before the end of your trial period, you can request a refund within 14 days of signing up, provided you have not used the services after the initial 24-hour period. To request a refund, please contact us with the relevant details of your registration and request. We will be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

Illustration d'un groupe de personnes autour d'un grand presse-papiers avec des cases cochées et un badge de récompense, symbolisant la réussite et le travail d'équipe.

Start the evaluation now

Take the quick IQ test with a variety of questions and levels, then access the results via our special 24-hour offer or monthly subscription.