Legal information and general conditions of use

Illustration d'une femme debout à côté d'une grande liste de contrôle sur un presse-papiers


Most recent update: 30 March 2023



167-169 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5PF

Company number 12642117 and VAT. GB 364 3536 90

Continued use of our website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") means that persons visiting the Site (hereinafter referred to as "Users") fully and unconditionally agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use set out below (hereinafter referred to as the "TOU"). Before using the services offered by our Site, Users certify that they have read these Terms and Conditions and have approved them.

The current online edition of our Terms and Conditions of Use is the only one applicable during the period of use of the Site, until it is replaced by a later version.

The Site is administered by JMM PUBLISHING LTD (hereinafter referred to as the "Vendor") who has the authority to change these terms at any time. Use of our Site following modification of the Terms and Conditions of Use means that the User unconditionally accepts the updated version. If the Terms and Conditions are not acceptable to the User, the User is advised to cease all use of our Site.

Article 1 - Definitions

On our website, the following expressions are defined as follows:

"Content: refers to all the components that make up the information available on our Website, including but not limited to texts, images, videos, algorithms, software, widgets, etc., and that contribute to its operation, inform the User and present our services;

"Intellectual property rights : refers to all intellectual property rights and related rights (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade names, databases, etc.) protected by the copyright legislation and related rights of 2000 in force at the time the User accesses the Site;

"Features: refers to all the functions offered to Users on our Site;

"Site": refers to the website managed by the Seller and accessible to Users;

"User: refers to any individual who browses our Site and accesses its information.


In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, we wish to inform the User of our Site as to the identities of the persons involved in its preparation and management:

The website is administered by :

Company: Data-Hope
Company ID : B16685935
VAT number : ESB16685935
Address: Pau Casals 10 Atico 4, 08021 Barcelona, Spain

Host: Namecheap, Inc. located at 4600 East Washington Street, Suite 305, Phoenix, AZ 85034, USA;


In order to use our Site, we will process certain personal data relating to the User. This processing is carried out in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Data Protection Policy available at the following link:


Access to and use of the Site are reserved for strictly personal use. The User undertakes not to use the Site and the information or data it contains for commercial, political or advertising purposes or for any form of commercial solicitation, in particular the sending of unsolicited e-mails.

Access to the Site is reserved for adults. The Seller reserves the right to request proof of age, particularly if you use online ordering services. The Seller cannot be held responsible in the event of access to the Site by minors, nor in the event of erroneous or misleading information provided by Users on the Site.

Users are personally responsible for setting up the IT and telecommunications resources needed to access the Site. They bear the telecommunications costs of accessing the Internet via the Site.


We are committed to providing data that is as accurate as possible. However, we cannot be held responsible for any omissions, errors or failure to update information. The information presented on the Site is for information purposes only and does not claim to be exhaustive. It may have been modified after publication.


6.1 Our website

All logos, images, writings, opinions, drawings, animated or static photos, video clips, audio clips, as well as all software necessary for the operation of the Site, and more generally, each element reproduced or used on the Site are subject to the protection of current legislation on intellectual property.

These elements belong entirely and exclusively to the Seller or its business partners. Any form of reproduction, representation, implementation or modification, whether partial or total, of these contents, including software, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, is formally prohibited. The publisher's failure to take legal action against such unauthorised use shall not be construed as approval of such acts or as a waiver of the right to take legal action. It is absolutely forbidden for the User to :

  • Duplicate, imitate, exhibit, broadcast, distribute or advertise, whether permanently or temporarily, in whole or in part, the content and/or the Site by any means whatsoever;
  • Design creations inspired by the Content and/or the Site;
  • Alter, convert, personalise or reorganise any section of the Content and/or the Site;
  • Dismantle, decode and reverse engineer the site.

The user assumes full responsibility for its use of the website. Any unapproved use of the site or its components will be treated as a breach of the Data Protection Legislation 2000.

6.2 Our brand

The verbal and graphic signs (logo) of the Seller and JMM PUBLISHING LTD are protected. Using these elements without the formal written consent of the Seller or its affiliates, on any medium, with the aim of promoting offers or services, or for any commercial purpose, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action, both criminal and civil, on the part of the Seller against the User and/or third parties involved.

6.3 Content

The content available on the Site is freely accessible. The provision of this content does not imply any transfer of copyright or property rights, which remain entirely and exclusively the intellectual property of the Seller and the contributors.

No User is authorised or permitted to take any action which infringes copyright, intellectual property, or any other UK or international legislation relating to intellectual property rights. The Seller and its employees reserve the right to take legal action against any User who violates these Terms of Use.


Our Site remains generally available to Users at all times. For optimum management of the Site, the Seller may reserve the right at any time to :

  • To stop, pause or restrict access to certain aspects or to the whole of the Site, for any reason whatsoever, arbitrarily and without the need for prior notice;
  • Eliminate any content that could interfere with its proper functioning, at any time, arbitrarily and without prior warning;
  • Pause the site for updates.

The Vendor shall endeavour to notify Users of the times and dates of any intervention, but may not be held liable in the event of failure to do so.


8.1 Accessing the Site

The Seller promises to make every effort to ensure that the Site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the Seller does not guarantee constant availability or accessibility of the Site and does not certify the absence of errors on the Site. The Vendor may not be held liable in the event of malfunction, breakdown, problem or interruption of service, which would prevent access to the Site or its functionalities.

The Vendor and the hosting provider cannot be held responsible if Internet network problems, telephone line failures or computer and telephone equipment fail, in particular due to network congestion that blocks access to the server.

The Seller shall not be held liable if legal action is taken against Users:

  • Due to the use of the Site or any other Service available through the internet;
  • Due to the User's non-compliance with these Terms of Use.

8.2 Equipment used

The User is entirely responsible for the equipment used to connect to the Site. Users must take the necessary precautions to safeguard their equipment and personal data. Users must ensure that they use modern, virus-free equipment with a recent version of their browser to access the Site.

The Vendor accepts no liability for any prejudice suffered by Users or third parties, or for damage to their equipment, arising from the use of or connection to the Site, and Users waive any right to take legal action against the Vendor in this respect.

The Seller may also not be held liable for secondary damage (such as loss of goodwill or loss of profit) arising from the use of the Site.


The images and descriptions displayed on the Site are not contractual and are not binding on the Seller.


The creation by the User of hypertext links to all or part of the site is permitted, provided that prior written authorisation is obtained from JMM PUBLISHING LTD, by sending a request by email to the address :

The Seller has the right to refuse this permission without having to explain its choice. If the Seller agrees, this permission remains provisional and may be cancelled at any time without giving any reason. In all circumstances, any link must be withdrawn if requested by the brand.

Our site includes several hypertext links to other websites, inserted with the approval of the Seller. However, our company cannot control the content of the sites visited and will therefore not be held responsible for them.


The temporary non-application of one or more of the provisions of these general conditions must never be considered as a waiver by JMM PUBLISHING LTD of its right to avail itself of these provisions.

If one or more clauses of this document are deemed invalid or unenforceable by reason of legislation, regulation or an irrevocable court decision, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.


Should these Terms of Use be translated into one or more languages, the language of interpretation will be English.


These Terms and Conditions are governed by English law. In the event of a dispute, they shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent ordinary courts, unless otherwise provided by a specific law or regulation.


For any enquiries or information about the Services offered on this Site, or for any questions relating to the Site, the User is invited to send a message to the following e-mail address:

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